Thursday, January 13, 2011

Doing the Accounts

Our home for the last few days
As we've just completed a little over a month of travelling and these days with Charlie have been a time for taking stock, here are a few numbers;
18 - the approximate number of days we've seen the sun in the month.
3 - the number of times I've swum ( water not always above 21 C and not always calm enough Sadly, conditions haven't allowed snorkelling yet....)
8 - the number of flights we've taken
1 - the number of things I've lost whilst travelling ( make-up purse, containing eye mask...very much missed)
3 - the number of bits of clothing not yet worn
7 - the number of friends and relatives we've seen.
75 F - the average temperature her on the Big Island over the last few days....we've had to adjust back to Fahrenheit and Imperial measurements!
1 beer is always nice at the end of the day

3 to 4 ft...The surf at Mauna Kea beach today

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